OASIS Let’s Start Nov 16th

Lets Start – How to start your own business

A Workshop for Students

OASIS Southeast Blog – OASIS Southeast

On November 16th OASIS SE again conducted this now popular workshop in Atlanta. We had a about 145 students from 3 High schools – Langston, Campbell and Banneker.
Jim Beach Presenting to Students
Jim Beach Introduces himself
Jim Beach (a serial entrepreneur, published author, investor, radio show host, Business school professor, international trainer and speaker and a lot of other things) was our keynote speaker and he regaled the audiences with his story and encouraged the idea of starting a business.
Jim Beach Engaging Students
Jim Beach Engages the students with his questions

We had a total of three presenters (Sree, John Nuttall and Mo Kheirbaksh) in 3 different rooms.

John Nuttall, Director presenting workshop
John Nuttall, Director AT&T Conducting Workshop
Mo Kheirbakhsh presenting workshop
Mo Kheirbakhsh, Professional Software Engineer, AT&T Conducting workshop

After lunch (Pizza Hut pizza + sodas +Rice Krispies ) – 18 teams competed and the top 7 teams were given certificates and a small gift.

Another team presenting their business idea
One of the teams presents their business idea
Students presenting their business idea
Another team presenting their business idea

Everyone got to Take the pledge – It Can Wait (pledged not to drive distracted)

Students taking the It Can Wait Pledge
Students taking the IT CAN WAIT pledge
Students with It Can Wait glasses
Students Show off their It Can Wait sunglasses

We had 5 volunteer judges (and a Score master with real time top scores).

Competition Winners
The top 8 teams were awarded certificates and gifts
Thanks to our volunteers — Angela Albert-Easley, Kimberly Cuff, Laura Hughes, Sherry Jackson, Vibha Singh, Dan Beatty, Mo Kheirbakhsh, John Nuttall, and members of the current and past SE board Ashwani Verma, Sundar K, Vasudeva Bhatt & Kelvina Burrell .Special Thanks also to our friends at DECA & ASPIRE and community Engagement who support and sponsor these events.

Featured Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash